FU Average! What is average? It’s allowing yourself to settle for mediocrity, a comfort zone that breeds either laziness or fear, depending on your poison of choice. Perhaps average stems from a lack of belief or faith in your potential to surpass what others have achieved, resulting in a reluctance to try. It might even manifest as a dearth of motivation to break free from the daily grind, echoing the sentiments of songs like Trent Reznor’s “Everyday is exactly the same,” striking a chord with many.
Going beyond average can be a scary thing but it shouldn’t be. It’s about stretching your limits, and you might find it surprisingly enjoyable. Striving to exceed average doesn’t demand superhero feats. It’s about committing to push your boundaries, even just a bit every day. That incremental effort elevates you beyond the average. Embrace this practice, and you might discover not only satisfaction in the journey but also the inspiration to grow further, inching closer to excellence.
Simple acts can elevate you beyond average. Consider showing up at the gym not just to mark attendance but to actually engage in a workout that improves your fitness and health. Reading books to acquire new skills or knowledge goes beyond average, expanding your horizons and understanding. Additionally, small gestures like being polite to strangers and accepting others’ flaws display empathy and understanding, setting you apart from the norm.
Remember no one is perfect and practice doesn’t make perfect it makes progress. Everyone will have pitfalls don’t let that make you give up. Get back up push forward again that in itself is going beyond average. There is more out there for everyone if you just try and consistently try. So stand proud and say Fuck Average! I will be more than that and the next day I will even be more that that. Keep striving for more and don’t let failure push you back to average because this just a lesson to even be better in your next try. I hate to use this reference but here it goes
"I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.”
Now I ask everyone that may read this what’s holding you back? What fears or hurdles do you need that extra push to overcome? Motivate each other to break free from mediocrity and embrace a path toward continuous improvement. Share your thoughts and let’s say FU Average together.